Grantee Resources

These resources were created by members of the Georgia Health Policy Center’s Rural Advisory Council, in partnership with the Community Health Systems Development Team, for use by Federal Office of Rural Health Policy grantees.

Workforce Development Resource Guide
Business Case Cost Calculator for Addressing Social Needs (.xls)
The Business Case for Addressing Social Determinants of Health in a
Rural Primary Care Setting
Critical Conversations: Understanding and Addressing Racism as a Social Determinant of Health
Handbook for Rural Health Network Development Program Measures
and Data Tracking Tool (with Dashboard)
How Alternative Payment Models Can Help Rural Providers Improve
Care and Sustainability (PDF)
Meeting Facilitation Guide: Considering Racism as a Social Determinant
of Health (SDOH)
Optimizing Patient Experience with Video Telehealth Visits (PDF)
Process Mapping to Support Partnerships and Engagement
Process Mapping: A tool to support partnerships and engagement
Slide Deck (PDF)
RHND Tool Demo (mp4)
A Toolkit for Community Assessment Community Asset Mapping (PDF)
A Toolkit for Identifying, Deconstructing, and Reducing Stigma (PDF)
Value-Based Payment: Is it Disrupting Health Care for the Better? Role of Alternative Payment Models from a Clinician’s Perspective